BI101 Old Testament Survey – This course is a general synopsis of each of the books contained in the Old Testament. Emphasis is given to major characters, events, and themes of each book.
One semester, three hours
BI102 New Testament Survey – This is a systematic overview of each of the books contained in the New Testament. Emphasis is given to key verses and themes in each book.
One semester, three hours
BI103 Personal Evangelism – This course is a careful study of the Spirit-filled life of the soulwinner with an emphasis on the individual, his message, and the means of evangelism.
One semester, two hours
BI120 Life of Christ – This course is a chronological overview of the 33½ years of Christ’s earthly ministry.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI102
BI125 Prayer – This is a study of the importance of prayer for the Christian with an emphasis placed on the Biblical explanation and practical application.
One semester, two hours
BI127 Biblical Separation and Standards – This course is a practical, historical, and Scriptural approach to understanding Bible standards.
One semester, two hours
BI200 Genesis – This is a thorough study of the first book of the Bible giving special emphasis to creation, the flood, and the early history of the world as taught in God’s Word.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI201 Exodus-Deuteronomy – This course is a systematic study of the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy including the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites, the tabernacle, and sacrifices.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI203 Corinthians – This is a verse-by-verse study of I and II Corinthians giving God’s instructions to churches with major problems in the areas of doctrine and discipline.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI102
BI204 Women of the Bible – This course focuses on the women found within the pages of Scripture whom God chose to use. Much can be learned from these women.
One semester, two hours (Ladies Only)
BI205 Bible Principles – This course deals with establishing Biblical principles in the Christian life. The student will learn how to establish Scriptural principles to govern their lives.
One semester, three hours
BI208 Bible Geography and Customs – This course focuses on geography and customs of the people of the Bible using maps to locate places referred to in the Scriptures to help the Bible come to life.
One semester, two hours
BI210 Bible Doctrines I – This course is a survey study of several of the major doctrines of the Bible including: Bibliology, Theology, and Christology.
One semester, three hours
BI211 Bible Doctrines II – This course is a survey study of several of the major doctrines of the Bible including: Pneumatology, Anthropology, and Hamartiology.
One semester, three hours
BI213 Bible and Science – This course is a study showing that true science points to and is in harmony with the Bible and a development of the idea that secular humanism requires more faith than literal Bible belief.
One semester, two hours
BI217 Pastoral Epistles – This is a course to acquaint young men with the various blessings, dangers, and responsibilities of pastoring a church as presented in the only three epistles specifically addressed to the pastor.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI102 (Men Only)
BI300 Bible History and Chronology – This is a study of the Bible placing dates, people, and events in chronological order to give an understanding of Biblical content.
One semester, two hours Prerequisites – BI101, BI102
BI301 Gospels – This course is a concise study of the four Gospels. It begins with an historical background of the inter-testamental period, a brief study of the geography of Palestine, and concludes with an overview of the four-fold picture in the Gospels of our Lord (emphasizing Christ’s birth, ministry, death, resurrection, post-resurrection appearances, and ascension) showing the inspired harmony of these books.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI102
BI302 Acts – This course studies the purpose, methods, power, and program of the early church.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI102
BI303 Romans – This is a verse-by-verse study of Romans giving a thorough explanation of the doctrines of salvation, sanctification, and service.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI102
BI304 Paul’s Shorter Epistles – This course studies the books from Galatians through Philemon chronologically as they fit into the narrative of Acts.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI102
BI306 Jeremiah and Lamentations – This is a concise study of the prophet Jeremiah giving his purpose and time and an overview of his predictions, especially emphasizing the foretelling of Christ and concluding with the analysis of the poetry in Lamentations.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI308 Poetry and Wisdom Literature – This is a survey of the Old Testament books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI309 Greek I – This course is designed to build a basic working knowledge of Greek. Students will acquire proficiency in letter recognition, sound blends, transliteration, use of a Greek lexicon, and other needed skills to assist in proper translation.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – EN101
BI310 Greek II – This course is a continuation of Greek I in which students will build on skills already presented. Greek grammar rules will be taught which include parts of speech, sentence structure, case usage, and punctuation. The student will gain practical knowledge of how to do a word study and how to analyze and explain Scripture passages for teaching and preaching uncovering a wealth of hidden truths.
One semester, three hours Prerequisites – EN101, BI309
BI311 Hebrews – This course is a verse-by-verse study of the book of Hebrews.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI102
BI312 Premillennialism – This course will show that Premillennialism is in fact a way of Bible interpretation; principles of Hermeneutics will also be introduced.
One semester, two hours
BI313 Historical Books I – This is a chapter-by-chapter study of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth with a special emphasis on successful Christian living and on leadership principles found in these books.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI314 Historical Books II – This course is a survey of I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. A biographical approach is used in this course with special attention given to the leaders discussed in these books.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI316 Proverbs – This is a practical study of Solomon’s instructions to his son concerning the qualities of a righteous man, a wicked man, and a virtuous woman.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI317 The Church – This course studies a New Testament church comparing it to various denominations.
One semester, two hours
BI325 Christ in the Old Testament – This course discusses how the Old Testament prophesied extensively concerning the Person of Christ, what He has done, what He is doing now, and what He will do in the future.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI326 Homiletics I – This is a study of the preparation and delivery of sermons. The course is designed to instruct in selecting, outlining, and gathering materials, as well as in delivering the message.
One semester, two hours Prerequisites – EN112, EN102
BI327 Homiletics II – This course is a further study of the preparation and delivery of sermons. Emphasis is given to the preparation of messages for the various facets of the ministry. Practice preaching with careful evaluation is included.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI326
BI356 Spiritual Warfare I – This course deals with a culture at war with the church. It is an in-depth Bible study of how the church is to reach the culture without compromising.
One semester, three hours
BI357 Spiritual Warfare II – This is a continuation of the in-depth Bible study of a culture at war with the church.
One semester, three hours
BI375 Bible Faith – This course is an extensive study of the faith of the Christian. Bible characters are used to make practical application as well as Bible principles of faith to build the faith of the Christian in his goal of pleasing God.
One semester, three hours
BI401 Isaiah – This is a practical study of the historical setting of the book emphasizing the personality and purpose of the prophet with an analytical study focusing on Messiah in His sufferings and His glory as well as the prophecy and predicted blessings that would come through Christ to both Jew and Gentile.
One semester, three hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI402 Bible Prophecy – This course deals with the revelation of the last days and a chronology of things to come.
One semester, three hours Prerequisites – BI101, BI102
BI403 Ezekiel – This course is an analysis of the book, the purpose, personality, and visions of the prophet Ezekiel. Special emphasis is given to God’s dealings with Israel in the past and future.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI404 Minor Prophets – This course is a study of the prophets from Daniel through Malachi including the historical setting, the ministry of each prophet, and an analysis of the message and prophetic content of each book.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI101
BI405 General Epistles – This course is a historical, doctrinal, and practical study of the epistles of James; I and II Peter; I, II, and III John; and Jude.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI102
BI411 Hebrew Study Tools – This course is a study of Biblical Hebrew introducing the alphabet and principles of grammar. Emphasis is placed upon understanding how to use various research tools for finding precise meanings of Old Testament words and preparing Scripture texts for preaching and teaching.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI309
BI427 Apologetics – This course uses the systematic theological approach in preparing the student to defend and explain the facts and proofs of Christianity.
One semester, two hours Prerequisite – BI327
BI441 Cults – This course is a study of the historical and theological positions of modern-day perversions of Biblical truths.
One semester, three hours
BI455 Emerging Church Theology – This is a detailed focus on the Emerging Church movement and how it is influencing Baptist churches. This course defines the post-modern movement by their own terms and reveals the seducing spirits that have defined its doctrine.
One semester, two hours
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