North Florida Baptist College believes and uses the King James Bible exclusively. No other version is permitted in the classroom, on campus, or in chapel or church services.
North Florida Baptist College is an independent, fundamental Baptist college that is the ministry of a local, Bible-believing, New Testament Baptist church—the Immanuel Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. It is independent of any board or denomination and is accountable only to the pastor and the people of the Immanuel Baptist Church. It is fundamental in its beliefs and teachings, holding true to the fundamental doctrines of the King James Bible.
North Florida Baptist College believes, practices, and teaches that God commands those who are saved to live in such a manner as not to bring reproach to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. As such, they should be separate from all religious apostasy and ecumenicalism and all worldly and sinful pleasures, practices, and associations.
North Florida Baptist College presents unique opportunities for its students to actively serve the Lord Jesus Christ while preparing for a lifetime of service. As the ministry of the Immanuel Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, students have the ability to serve in other ministries of the church such as bus routes, choir, orchestra, Sunday School, children’s church, maintenance, media, nursery, nursing homes, soul winning, and more.
North Florida Baptist College believes in reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Scriptural soul winning. It teaches and trains its students to be obedient to the Great Commission through clear and confrontational soul winning efforts.
North Florida Baptist College has the finest faculty and staff available to teach and train the next generation of servants. With more than two hundred years of combined college experience, the faculty and staff provide students not only with a quality education in the classroom but also with a quality example in the church. All staff and faculty members are in agreement with the doctrinal position of North Florida Baptist College and are committed to preparing each student for their future service for God.
North Florida Baptist College is located in sunny Jacksonville, Florida, a beautiful coastal river city that is experiencing explosive growth. Between academics, area employment, and activities, students are sure to enjoy their time as they grow and develop into choice servants of God.
© 2021 North Florida Baptist College | All Rights Reserved. | North Florida Baptist College is a ministry of Immanuel Baptist Church